« Anterior 27/09/2010 - 14:13 Próxima »
Oh yeah, you"re the princess of pop rock and nobody has the right to contradict me!
Hi peoples. "Words can"t explain. There"s nothing I could say to you. Nothing I could ever do to make you see what you mean to me now, today and forever. You made me happier when i needed. You made me cry with only few words. You made my life better with a chorus and a melody. You"re the person who changed my world. And I love you for that. And I know the day I"ll see you face to face is closer than ever.
Happy Birthday Avril Ramona Lavigne, September 27th, 1984 (L)

Enfim, nao podia deixar de entrar e parabenizar minha bebe no meu flogvip. Ainda to viajando, trouxe meu notebook, por isso entrei aqui, mas ja to de saida, o flog vai permanecer fechado até eu voltar, entao, até mais e muuuuitos anos de vida pra minha bebe rs! :)
VickSigoli, 27/O9/2O1O.
listening: Nada doing:comendo :P
Botão direito do mouse
11 anos aqui <3

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São Paulo - SP

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