« Anterior 30/05/2010 - 06:27 Próxima »
Carol, Apóstolo Estevam e Bispa Sonia

Eu não sei o nome deste homem! Eu amo essa foto. Carol é muito bonita  e que deus continue usando ela para continuar pregando o evangelio.pois a palavra de deus diz”pregai o evangelio a roda criatura”

créditos a Fernanda

                                                     Walk the World Brazil

Where: Parque da Aclimação, Rua Muniz de Sousa, 1119 - Liberdade, São Paulo
When: 30th, May
What: Walk towards ending hungry! Music show and entertainment activities [censurado]d to collect donations for the cause.
More information:
Come and join us in the fight against hungry on 30th May at 10h! TNT Brazil is organizing the Walk the World São Paulo, everybody is welcome to the event. There will be music shows and entertainment activities in the site. We are selling the walking kit containing t-shirt and cap for 18 reais (100% of the profit will be sent to help the United Nations Food Programme). We are waiting for you and your family!





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