Soccer superstar and Real Madrid (La Liga) Midfielder Ricardo Kaká visited Orlando City’s training at the Seminole Soccer Complex in Sanford, Fla., Friday morning. Kaká has been visiting Orlando, including stops at Disney World earlier in the week, with him ending the week watching the Lions’ practice.
Kaká is a personal friend of Orlando City Owner/Investor Flavio Augusto da Silva, fellow Brazilian. He is also a spokesperson for Wise Up, Brazil’s leading English language school, consisting of over 400 [censurado]s in five countries. Mr. da Silva leads the Wise Up Group, which is part of one of Brazil’s largest media companies, Abril Educação.

#dinner #yesterday #nyc #milos #sisfromtheheart #nathy #michael @kaka

A empresária Rosangela Lyra, diretora da Dior no Brasil, lançou o guia “Jardins & Afins”, na terça-feira (18), no Museu da Casa Brasileira
Simone e Bosco Leite, pais do jogador de futebol Kaká, foram ao evento