Valeu, Lucas!! Esamos muito orgulhosos de ti. Estas lutando para tu lugar , para ganar respeito dos torcedores, dos companhheiros do time, por impor o seu estilo, de abelar com homens que nao entendem , nao conhecem estas taticas, naoaceitem a tua liderança, nao colaboram as vezes; Quando nao entendem, te criticam. QWue pena , que injusticia
Mesmo assim, estos sao a menoria. Tb ha gente que sim entendem e apreciam
Existe uma discussao no forum RAWK chamada: IN SUPPORT OF LUCAS; jA TEM 51 PAGINAS. Vale a pena ler
In support for Lucas
Uns postes daquel forum, explicando a essença do futebol de Lucas, e specialmente a sua inteligencia futbolistica.
"[I]i like the way lucas plays. i find the comparisons to masch pretty unfair. lucas adds a lot more to the attack than masch. lucas was defensively solid. of course not as good as javier but pretty good. but with the ball javier is no where as good.[B] lucas can spread the ball around very good and in my opinion has the fastest brain in our team.[/B] he always knows whats going around him and always tries to play 1 to 2 touch football which i like and which is one of the best ways to break a team down. oh and when was the last time masch had a shot as good as his?
I feel a big problem for him is that he isn't that good one on one. alonso isn't either but he's deeper lying and plays more longer balls. [B]lucas game is based on short 1-2 passes and if the other players can't keep up than of course lucas will look bad[/B]
Another one:
[I]"At one point song was man marking him but gave up when he realised lucas was just dragging him away from areas to make space for other pool players to run or pass into.
must be a nightmare player to play against as you know his simple stuff makes it hard to get the ball back of us.
you can press him all you like but his one touch ball is better than most top class players in the other words you cant press him easily
also the amount of ariel stuff he wins is top notch.
hope he keeps progressing coz i think we have caught a real nugget here"[/I]
Espero que entendem o ingles , tv podem traducir pra portugues.
Feliz Natal, Lucas, mesmo nao ter festas , porque vas jogar 26.12.
Aqui tens torcida que te apoiaram sempre, na obsa e na ruim
Que Deus te abençoe sempre!!
A foto que postei no meu flogao ll21