» Graphic Tutorial
ok so someone is asking for a tutorial for this edit. and here it is!
as usual, since my photoshop is chinese so i will try to find the english name of all the functions as i can. and i’ll trying to put more details. if you have any question please ask me. xx
so first of all, put the picture in and add some sharpen effect if needed

cut out the background

and add another background

now add some psd depended on your choice. here i add Curve, Black and White, and Vibrance

after you’re done with the psd, hide your background layer (just click on the eye icon on the left of the layer) and then press ctrl + alt + shift + E (if you somehow it’s not working, make sure you click on the top layer.)
now here is what you should get:

now click on this layer and go Filter > Pixelate > Color Halftone
you will see this window and this is my setting:

now your layer will be like this:

and then change the blending mode of this layer to “Multiply" and lower its opacity (my setting is 25%) this is what it will look like:

now hide this layer, and press ctrl + alt + shift + E again. then go Filter > Stylize > Trace Contour. you will see this:

now press alt + ctrl + shift + B to make it black and white. (just click yes when the window shows up)
this is what it looks like now:

and change the blending mode of this layer to “Multiply" and lower the opacity too (my setting is 70%)
now you can turn on all the layers that were hidden. this is what you will get:

now select the background part

and add a Color Fill layer. the color i use is #00ffb4. and then lower the opacity. (my setting is 48%)

now you can add some textures or adjust layers by your choice. for example: (if you don’t know how to do this please check here)

now your picture will be like this:

finally, just add some textures and text! (for how to add textures you can check here)

and if you wanna use animation effect, then go Windows > Animation. add one more frame and change the time to 0.08 sec/frame

click on the second frame. and copy one more “ZAP!” layer. and go Filter > Blur > Motion Blur. you can move the layer a little bit if you want. and then hide the original “ZAP!” layer.

and your layers should be like:

and then go File > Save for web and devices

and that’s all!!