« Anterior 18/04/2014 - 00:51 Próxima »


/katherinejackson em 18/04/2014 às 01:01 disse:
add vc..beijos

xJ7vrO4eTwt em 18/04/2014 às 06:45 disse:
, \"Where did THEY [Denys and Gregory] get such an idea?\" Well, Denys was a mystic (and may have been the dicsiple of St. Paul).Gregory was also a mystic and was very clearly led in his theological reasoning by the Holy Spirit (not infallibly in every case, but certainly he was given many insights).What is more, countless theologians and saints of both East and West have accepted the basic structure of the division of the angelic choirs -- something of the sensus fidei is at work here. [granted, as to whether Michael or Gabriel are Seraphim or Archangels (referring to the choirs) there is room for debate ... but as to whether there are the choirs, this seems to be nearly unanimous among the saints and doctors; not that it is a matter of certain Dogma, but it deserves much more respect than you are giving it]You said: \"Their guesses are as good as ours\" ... that is absurd. Simply absurd.It is a silly thing to say. You shouldn\"t have said it.Sts. Denys and Gregory (and St.

/maldosas em 19/04/2014 às 22:57 disse:
Páscoa, tempo de paz e amor, renascimento e fé! Bjuxxx

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